Zia Mikky & F4dli – Aku Dah Lupa Lyrics In English (Translation)

Aku Dah Lupa Lyrics In English (Translation) Meaning is a Malay song by artists Zia and Mikky. The song is composed by F4dli and released under F4dli Record. It is directed by Agung Qs and Tony Houston. The title “Aku Dah Lupa” translates to “I Have Forgotten” in English, reflecting themes of moving on and letting go of past memories.

Aku Dah Lupa Lyrics English Translation

Aku Dah Lupa Tentangmu
Translated: I have forgotten about you

Bayangmu Hilang Dalam Waktu
Translated: Your shadow has faded with time

Janji Dulu Dah Berlalu
Translated: The promises from before have passed

Kini Aku Bebas Aku Mampu
Translated: Now I am free, I am capable

Dulu Sakit, Sekarang Lega
Translated: It used to hurt, now I feel relieved

Cerita Lama, Aku Dah Reda
Translated: The old story, I’ve calmed down

Tak Nak Pusing, Tak Nak Tanya,
Translated: I don’t want to look back, I don’t want to ask

Aku Kuat, Tanpa Drama.
Translated: I’m strong, without drama

Dulu Sakit, Sekarang Lega
Translated: It used to hurt, now I feel relieved

Cerita Lama, Aku Dah Reda
Translated: The old story, I’ve calmed down

Tak Nak Pusing, Tak Nak Tanya,
Translated: I don’t want to look back, I don’t want to ask

Aku Kuat, Tanpa Drama.
Translated: I’m strong, without drama

Aku Dah Lupa, Tak Ingat Lagi,
Translated: I have forgotten, I don’t remember anymore

Nama Kau Pun Hilang Dari Hati.
Translated: Your name has also faded from my heart

Aku Move On, Hidup Sendiri,
Translated: I’ve moved on, living on my own

Tak Perlu Kau, Aku Happy.
Translated: I don’t need you, I’m happy

Aku Dah Lupa, Tak Ingat Lagi,
Translated: I have forgotten, I don’t remember anymore

Nama Kau Pun Hilang Dari Hati.
Translated: Your name has also faded from my heart

Aku Move On, Hidup Sendiri,
Translated: I’ve moved on, living on my own

Tak Perlu Kau, Aku Happy.
Translated: I don’t need you, I’m happy

Masa Lalu, Penuh Dengan Luka,
Translated: The past was full of wounds

Kisah Kita, Hanya Sandiwara.
Translated: Our story was just a drama

Kini Aku Bangkit, Aku Cari Bahagia,
Translated: Now I rise, I’m seeking happiness

Selamat Tinggal, Aku Bebas Akhirnya.
Translated: Goodbye, I’m finally free

Lepas Semua, Ku Senyum Saja,
Translated: Let it all go, I’ll just smile

Hari Cerah Tanpa Derita.
Translated: A bright day without suffering

Aku Dah Tahu, Siapa Aku,
Translated: I now know who I am

Kau Dah Jauh, Ku Tak Perlu
Translated: You’re far away, I don’t need you

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Aku Dah Lupa Song Credits:

SongAku Dah Lupa
ArtistMikky, Zia
CastMikky, Zia
LabelF4dli Record

Aku Dah Lupa Music Video

Aku Dah Lupa FAQs

Who sung the "Aku Dah Lupa" song?

"Aku Dah Lupa" Song is sung by "Mikky, Zia".

Who is the Musician/Composer of the "Aku Dah Lupa" song?

"Aku Dah Lupa" Song music/composition done by "F4dli".

Which Actors/Actress is starring/featuring in the "Aku Dah Lupa" song?

"Aku Dah Lupa" Song is starring/featuring "Mikky, Zia" in lead roles.

Which Music Company released the "Aku Dah Lupa" song?

"Aku Dah Lupa" Song is released under the label "F4dli Record".